Amit Jamadagni

Collab & Dev @ QuDynamics.jl

GSoC'15, QuDynamics, JuliaQuantum

GSoC'14, Knot Theory, SageMath

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I'm Mathematics student at BITS-Pilani. I enjoy a blend of Computer Science applied to Physics and Mathematics. I have had the opportunity to contribute to open-source projects like SageMath, Julia, JuliaQuantum libraries. I'm currently learning Category theory with applications to Condensed Matter Physics, Topological Quantum Computation and related fields.

As a part of my Masters thesis titled Boundary conditions of Levin-Wen type Models, I worked on the understanding of various boundary constructs in Quantum Double Models with extensions to the understanding of boundary conditions of Levin-Wen Models in 2D.

I had an opportunity to present at some of the conferences, the following repo has the links to all the presentations.